Udon(うどん) ¥450
Udon noodles in hot soup
Soba(そば) \450
Soba noodles in hot soup
Wakame_Udon(わかめうどん) ¥600
Udon noodles in hot soup
with Wakame Seaweed
Wakame_Soba(わかめそば) ¥600
Soba noodles in hot soup
with Wakame Seaweed
Kitsune_udon(きつねうどん) ¥600
Udon noodles in hot soup
with deep Fried tofu
Kitsune_soba(きつねそば) ¥600
soba noodles in hot soup
with deep Fried tofu
Tsukimi_Udon(月見うどん) ¥600
Udon noodles in hot soup
with an egg
Tsukimi_soba (月見そば) ¥600
Soba noodles in hot soup
with an egg
Niku_Udon(肉うどん) ¥700
Udon noodles in hot soup
with beef
Niku Soba(肉そば) ¥700
Soba noodles in hot soup
with beef
Kakiage_Udon(かき揚げうどん) ¥600
Udon noodles in hot soup
with vegetable tempura
Kakiage_Soba(かき揚げそば) ¥600
Soba noodles in hot soup
with vegetable tempura
Tennpura_Udon(天ぷらうどん) ¥800
Udon noodles in hot soup
with shrimp tempura
Tennpura_Soba(天ぷらそば) ¥800
Soba noodles in hot soup
with shrimp tempura
Donabe_Udon(土鍋うどん) ¥800
Udon noodles in hot soup
with beef and egg
Cyuuka_Soba(中華そば) \800
Oyako_don(親 子 丼) ¥700
Bowl of rice
with chicken and eggs
NIku_don(肉 丼)
Bowl of rice
with beef
Ebiten_don(海老天丼) ¥900
Bowl of rice
with shrimp tempura
Bowl of rice
with a breaded and fried pork
Oden(おでん) \120
coffee(コーヒー) \450
Amazake(甘酒) ¥350
Sewwt non-alcohlic
rice maie beverage
Coffee set(コーヒーセット) ¥600
Coffee and roasted rice cake
Amazake set(甘酒セット) ¥500
Sewwt non-alcohlic
rice maie beverage
and roasted rice cake
Matcha set(抹茶セット) ¥600
Green tea and
roasted rice cake
roasted rice cake(five)
オレンジジュース \400
Orange juice
クリームソーダ \550
Cream soda
Translated with “google translate”.